NSX owners, get ready for the full NSX-R experience. MITA Motorsports is excited to share the arrival of our NSX Type R Style Sports Seats.
We have received a high number of requests from enthusiasts asking for a sports seat that shares similar characteristics of the iconic NSX-R Seats, but without compromising on quality. Other issues that customers have faced with available options in the market include:
- Uncertainty of previous care when purchasing pre-owned seats
- Inaccurate comfort and shape that causes seats to not achieve the seating feel of the NSX-R
- An overall increase in spending due to reupholstering, especially with wrong fabrics
- Communication problems that arise when buying from a foreign company
MITA NSX Type R Style Sports Seats seats were manufactured with the iconic R seats in mind and with craftsmanship that is identical to the original in fit, comfort, and look:
Carbon Kevlar Shell
Accurate 1:1 sizing made to resemble the original
Durable Fabric
Original NSX-R fabrics that resist pilling and won’t require sudden reupholstering
Proper Cushion
Provides a comfortable driving experience to support long drives that emulate the same fit and comfort as the iconic NSX-R
Short of 5kg (10lb) with design and materials that weigh half of other seats in the market
Fully handcrafted and assembled in Japan by industry experts
Made to order with short processing time

MITA NSX Seats are made of 3 main components: dry carbon kevlar shell, urethane foam, and fabric covers. The manufacturing process from start to finish takes place in Japan. Eliminating multiple manufacturing channels allows us to have a perfect product that customers want: one that is exactly like the original.
We put our seats side by side with other options in the market in order to inspect differences and we feel good about what we’re offering to the NSX community. You can be confident that every aspect of it meets the standards of MITA Motorsports. If you’re in the market to change or upgrade seats to ones that are comfortable, supportive, and affordable, then these seats are the best options available.
MITA Standard Sports Seat is another option for customers who desire the same aesthetics but are flexible with the fabric material.
We’re sure you’ll like these seats as much as we do. Get yours while we’re still offering it at an early bird price.
Thank you for your support.